Sunday, November 6, 2016

Thank You!

   I go to bed in the evening with intention tomorrow to write article, to make fantastic soap, perhaps, to develop a line of the natural looking after means, to think over design of packing, registration, to think over the lending selling this soap and means, to develop, untwist the business, to live the creativity and ability, oh, damn, and to leave at last this monotonous routine, (thank God, by turns!) office work.

   But — no! In the morning, having passed across the apartment, you find sand under legs, the shelves which are filled up with pieces of paper of a different format around the TV. And instead of writing of article and premeditation of design you take a rag and a bucket, you get a piece of meat from the freezer, you sit down to drink coffee and you include news — and ALL! There is no article, washed, and there is vital to someone an order in the house, goulash (which, by the way, I do not eat because of vegetarianism.
Then there comes from work the husband a bit earlier, and you with him go to the dacha behind some vegetable marrows and still something that grew in a large number and it should be overworked urgently for the winter. To whom it is necessary? It is unknown! It is the template of behavior of the woman knocked me into the head — hostesses in the house. No, a template good, and tasty preparing hostesses to me are very nice. And I love when houses purely, warmly and smells of newly-baked rolls. But I can become the founder of family business and work for the benefit of that family for which I scrub floors in a corridor now, but is perfect in other quality. And daily pulls together me on a life device roadside.Today, reading article on the Internet, came across Peter Druker's words. Precisely someone turned on the light in my head! Here what allows creative people to create and be recognized! And not only by creative, and everything, having the plan for this life — it is necessary to do what is considered it necessary by YOU and not that wait from you for people around. And work by turns in my life — not the casual find, and days off are given me not to vacuum a carpet at a sofa on which the husband reclines in the evening!

God gave me one more chance, having thrust under nose a quotation collection of great people. I thank You!!

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